

FOOOO is a new dining brand that bring a simple concept of pure European-styled light meals to Chengdu, which is a capable city where people linger long after they arrive. To establish its branding strategy, we decided on " Food brings us together " as the core element to create a platform where people can have delightful communication over food . We propose " Food is the best communication language". Therefore, FOOOO, based on food concept, was developed with four traits which are food, communication, professional, and platform as the foundation. To illustrate a fresh, healthy and joyful impression together with the idea of light meal, we use mainly the color of coffee with subsidiary mustard. | FOOOO 孚樂裡(lǐ) | 是一個将最純正的歐式簡餐帶進成都(dōu)的全新餐飲品牌。成都(dōu)的包容性非常強,是一座讓人(rén)來(lái)了就(jiù)不想走的城(chéng)市——我們從(cóng)最初的品牌構建、視覺形象再到空間設計(jì),始終秉持“Food can bring us together”這一核心理(lǐ)念,旨在創造一個通過食物的語言,愉悅溝通的平台。 我們堅持“食物是最好的溝通語言”:“ FOOOO ”代表以食物“ FOOD ”爲基礎,分(fēn)别提煉出“ O - 食物 ”、“ O - 溝通 ”、“ O - 專業 ”、“ O - 平台 ”四個基本元素。FOOOO倡導的輕食主意,以誘人(rén)的咖啡色爲主,芥末綠爲輔,渲染出新鮮、愉悅、健康的感覺。


  • 深圳市龍崗區坂田街道布龍路(lù)369号東海王大(dà)廈D座2樓201号
  • 業務咨詢:13751120740(朱經理(lǐ))
  • 業務咨詢:13760116015(梁經理(lǐ))
  • 售後服務熱(rè)線:186-8227-8660
